
For many, the zenith of competition lies in winning championships and claiming trophies. For true trailblazers, however, this is simply not enough. To win in this way means to follow in someone else’s footsteps; win the way others have won. Our vision strives to exceed this achievement by taking it a step further—making a league of our own.

The AERO performance bicycle handlebars is a one-of-a-kind, innovative product that not only changes the game, it creates the path that others will tread. A2 Design Lab’s concept handlebar perfectly synergizes power, function, and design, resulting in revolutionary performance. The handlebars are highly-optimized and use the latest technology to efficiently reduce drag and improve aerodynamics, allowing the cyclist to reach greater heights and lengths in comfort and style. With an unparalleled and innovative design, the AERO performance handlebar sets the pace, and the others will have to follow.