Businesses have always relied on good design and marketing to appeal to customers and secure an audience for their trade. Time passes and market trends come and go; customer needs evolve, methods of communication shift, technology disrupts and revolutionizes. This is the only thing that is certain. Throughout the years, the one thing that has remained constant is change.

Whether you’re just sitting in a boat in the middle of a placid lake with a line out, or you’re with a whole crew of mates out in the sea with nets in the water, you have one goal: to catch fish. The methods may vary, and the scope may differ, but at the end of the day, the objective is the same.
How then, does one ensure that the fish is caught, no matter what? In various settings, mercurial markets, and ever-shifting conditions, how do you ensure that your business captures its audience?
It is principally vital to discover your identity as a brand. Who are you as a business? Who is the audience that you are catering to? What is it that you can give them that others cannot? What are your reasons and motivations behind the business? Knowing whether you are fishing for sport or fishing for food on the table changes the way you approach the activity altogether. Similarly, knowing the fundamentals such as these is essential to building a strong brand, which will become the foundation for an effective design strategy.
Having a powerful brand identity design transforms a business into an experience. An excellent brand identity system will engage the market in ways relevant to the times and to the customer. What is the story you are trying to tell and why is it important to your customer? The key is to create branding that is compelling to your audience; it is ill fishing if the hook is bare.
Utilizing modern marketing styles and design trends are important to stay within the competitive field. A branding system that just sways with the wind and blindly follows the latest fads may get an audience due to the popularity that comes default with the trend, but one that is fleeting and may not endure. Whereas a system that stays true to its core values, cultivates its market, and skillfully applies innovation and enterprise will fare better in the long run.
Bait the hook well, and the fish will bite. Times change, but the crux is in understanding what the consumer needs, and what you can provide to them. The right brand identity systems will be adaptable and impactful to your audience while creating engaging experiences and memorable products that customers will want and love.
Have a great idea for a business? Call us and let’s get started.
Research by: Chris Ignacio
Visual Design by: Ana Cabotaje